Rabbi bin Sulman says: "I was going to Hajj,
I was also with my partner ...
When we reached Kufa, there was a need to travel there in the markets to buy the necessity of travel there ...
A dungeon was buried in a deserted place and a woman whose clothes were very old,
Cutting his meat pieces cut off the knife was kept in a zebel ...
I thought that this dead meat is taking place,
No doubt,
Maybe this lady cooks it out ...
So I kept quiet behind him,
That way he does not see me ...
The woman reached a large house, which was also high.
He went and knocked the door,
Who has heard from inside?
He said, open up, I am bad.
The door was opened and four girls appeared in the house,
The face of which faces evil and suffering,
The woman came in and Zincel kept in front of these girls ...
I was looking at the pitches of the pit, I saw the house from inside but ruined and empty ...
The woman said to crying girls:
"Cook him and thank God."
Those girls cut off the meat and bite it on the fire ...
I am very hurt ...
I voice out ...
O Allah! Do not eat it for God ...
Who is it? "
I said: I'm a foreigner ...!
he replied :
"So what do you want from us?
No matter how helpful we have for 3 years, what?
I said: The food of the dead is not permissible in any fun except for a sect of people!
She said: "We are the family of Prophethood (Syed) ...
The father of these girls was a great Sharif man,
She wanted to marry her own ...
But it does not matter,
He died,
As he left,
It's all over ...
We also know that food is not permissible, but it is permissible to have an emergency ...
We have four days' fate ... "
Rabi says
After hearing about her circumstances she became unhappy and came to her friends and said:
"I do not want Hajj," everyone explained,
But I did not listen to anyone ...
I used to dress up my clothes and the aram and the stuff that was with me,
They took all and cash was six hundred and half, and bought a dough of them and dried them in the dried flour and reached the brisk house and gave it all the goods and dough to it.
"He thanked and started ...
O son of Solomon! Allah forgives your previous sins and gives you the reward of Hajj and give you place in your Paradise and give you a change which will be revealed to you. "
Rabi says
Hajj's caravan has departed,
I kept Kufa for welcoming them so that they would pray for myself ...
When a caravan of Hajj passed in front of my eyes, I was very sorry to be deprived of my pilgrimage and my tears came out with regret ...
When I met them, I said ...
"Allah will accept your Hajj and give you the reward of your expenses ..."
One of them said, "How is this prayer?"
I said: The prayer of the person who is deprived of the door till ...
He said, "It's a wonderful surprise.
Now you also deny that you were not in the field of Arafat with us ...?
You did not have fun with us ...?
You did not circumcise us ...?
I thought in my heart: It is God's pleasure ...
So many people of my city came to Caesar ...
I said: Allah Almighty says to you, accept your Hajj ...
He also said: "You were not with us in Arafat ...?"
 If you do not have fun, then with us ...? Now you are refusing ...
One of them went ahead and said:
Why do you deny brother?
You were not in Mecca with us or in Medina ...?
When we were coming out of Gabriel for the magnitude of the grave,
At that time, because of the abundance of Azajdham, you placed this baggage with me ... "whose seal is written on ...
My love
(Which matters to us, earns profit) "
He said, take it back to your bag ...
Riba says,
I did not even see this bag before ...
I came back home,
The prayer of the Prophet
Accomplish your work ...
Waiting in the same thought, what is the last thing ...?
The same confusion took place,
So I shouted in the dream of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"O Rabbi! After all, how many witnesses should you establish, that you have done Hajj?
You do not agree,
The thing is that when you have a woman who was from my offspring,
Spend and postpone your Hajj,
So Allah gave you the favor of His grace.
"Allah made an angel your case, ordered him to perform Hajj every year till the Day of Judgment, and gave you the world in return that six hundred Dinars (Ashrafis) instead of six hundred and fifty ... "
Riba says, "When I was asleep, I opened this bag and saw it, and there were six hundred talents ... !!"
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